Welcome to our event attendee gallery!

Here, you'll find bio pictures, names, positions, and companies of attendees. This is your opportunity to get to know your fellow participants before and during the event. We encourage you to explore the profiles and reach out to make meaningful connections. Whether you're looking to network, collaborate, or simply meet new people, this gallery is your gateway to fostering valuable interactions. Be sure to keep an eye on this page as new attendees are added regularly, expanding your opportunities for networking and collaboration.

Suman Armitage
University of Waterloo

Ben Baldwin

Mark Beckles

Andrew Donovan
Bentley University

Megan Dykstra
Huron University

Frankie Edwards

Mohamed Elmi
Diversity Institute

Matt Foran

Pamela Gray
BioTalent Canada

Nour Hage

Tavia Han
Saint John Newcomers Centre

Emi Hosotsuji
expansive evolution

Emilie Jones
NPower Canada

Gerard Keledjian
New Canadians TV Network

Cara Krezek
The Talent Strategy Collective & The Apiary

Nisha Lewis
NPower Canada

Alexander (Sandy) MacDonald
Holland College

Scott McNeil-Smith
Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC)

Ajay Patel
Vancouver Community College

Mike Semansky

Danielle Solar
Bentley University

Chris Stefanyk

Jeremy Strachan
Conference Board of Canada

Mohit Talwar
Maverix Private Equity

Lisa Taylor
Challenge Factory

Anica Vasic
University of Calgary

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