Hosted by Jeremy Strachan – a Senior Research Associate in Education & Skills at the Conference Board of Canada (CBoC). He currently oversees a portfolio of research projects that explore training, skills, and workforce development in Canada. Prior to CBoC, Strachan taught at Carleton and the University of Ottawa. From 2019-2021 he was a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow at Queen’s, and held previous postdoctoral appointments at the University of Montreal and Cornell.
Episode 20: Dr. Curtis Clarke
In this episode, Dr. Curtis Clarke joins us to discuss the urgent need to adopt new models of learning. Dr. Clarke has served in Alberta Public Service roles, including Deputy Minister of Advanced Education, K-12 Education, and Solicitor General.
He was also Assistant Deputy Minister of Alberta Correctional Services and Cabinet Policy Coordinator. Clarke shares what the emergence of mid-career learners means for education and what’s wrong with the “learn and pray” model educational institutions have relied on traditionally.
October 24, 2024 • 11:24