2024 MAPLE

Magnet Awards for Pioneering Leadership in the Ecosystem (MAPLE)

As we gather innovative leaders to forge exciting new connections at Magnet Network Live, we are pleased to recognize extraordinary achievements in the employment and training landscape. The 2024 Magnet Awards for Pioneering Leadership in the Ecosystem (MAPLE) celebrate boldness in collaboration and ingenuity in technology to empower workforce development and training in Canada. These awards honor the exceptional efforts of organizations driving innovation and making a significant impact on connectivity, inclusivity, and productivity for the future of work.

Changemaking Champion

Co-Winners • Canada’s Building Trades Unions & Skillplan

This award recognizes an organization that has shown exceptional leadership in advancing workforce development through a future-focused strategic vision, tackling disruption and change.

Canada’s Building Trades Unions and Skillplan are receiving this award for their pioneering work in close partnership with Canada’s provincial trade councils to elevate and activate pan-Canadian partnerships and innovative technologies in critical sectors.

Collaboration Catalyst

Co-Winners • BioTalent Canada & Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium

This award recognizes organizations that have excelled in fostering robust partnerships and new models of collaborations to create novel solutions in employment and training.

BioTalent Canada and Excellence in Manufacting Consortium are receiving this award for forming an exploratory pilot to assess and identify areas of common practice and opportunities across industries for deeper collaboration in labour market information.

Technology Trailblazer

Winner • Economic Development Winnipeg

This award celebrates organizations that have harnessed the power of cutting-edge technology to enhance impact through increased efficiency, accessibility, and effectiveness.

Economic Development Winnipeg is receiving this award for the Work in Manitoba Portal, which leverages technology to support jobseekers, newcomers, and employers, bridging and supporting supply and demand for the provincial labour market.